|  Developer
Updated on November 30, 2022


  • Version: 1.0
  • Classes: UI
  • Title: Scene manager categories
  • Description: Create a new device group object.
Field Type Required Description
name string + A name of a group. Should be unique, should meet firmware name length restrictions. Current firmware limits name length of majority of objects to 128 symbols.
categories array of objects An array of category filters. Defines a set of device categories that form a set of devices in the group.
categories[].category string A category to include to a Device Group. If not present, all categories match the group.
categories[].subcategories array of strings A subcategories list to include to a Device Group. If an empty array, or not present or empty, all subcategories of a category match the group. Otherwise, only categories present in the list match the group.
devices array of device IDs Device identifiers to be added to a set defined by categories collection
exceptions array of device IDs Device identifiers to be excluded from a device group
persistent bool Defines if an object is persistent. Default value is false. If a device group is persistent, it cannot be removed with ordinal hub.scenes.device.group.delete call. Can be used for predefined sets of groups
  • Empty result.
Code Message Data
-32602 Wrong params,
-32602 Wrong field of object
-32600 Value is too long,
-32500 No device found!
Broadcasts Description
hub.scenes.device.group.created Informs about the device group was successfully created
    "api": "1.0",
        "name": "group_name",
        "categories": [
            { "category": "security_sensor", "subcategories": [ "co2", "leak" ]  }
            { "category": "scene_controller", "subcategories": [ "panic" ] }
        "devices": [],
        "exceptions": [],
        "persistent": false
    "error": null,
    "id": "_ID_",
    "method": "hub.scenes.device.group.create",
    "result": {}