|  Developer
Updated on June 23, 2022


  • Version: 1.
  • Classes: UI
  • Title: Scene manager categories
  • Description: Creates a new expression object or updates an existing one. The new expression will be evaluated using expression code and parameters. If no errors found, an expression will be created, assigned with the value, and an empty result will be returned. In case of error, an expression won’t be created, and an error will be returned. In case of existing expression modification, the new value or the error that occurred will be assigned with the expression. The Scenes engine will require expressions to be typed to use them more widely in comparisons for meshbot construction. For variable expression, parameter should be set, should be true, and parameter should be empty.

An expression with valueType property attached should be created. When a new value is first calculated, its output type should be checked (checking code should try to compose a value of a given type out of it).

For Scalable value types output should be in form of an object { value: , scale: }.

Field Type Required Description
name string + An expression name. Should be unique across all the scenes.
code string + Lua code snippet to be run within a scene (Max 5 kb for Linux and 1 kb for Atom)
params object Expression parameters
params.items array of objects An array of an expression parameter name and item identifier pairs.
params.items[index].name string + A parameter name to use in an expression. A value of an item can be referred from an expression as .
params.items[index]._id string + An item identifier to get value from
params.device_item_names array of objects An array of an expression parameter name, device name and item item name objects.
params.device_item_names[index].name string + A parameter name to use in an expression. A value of an item can be referred from an expression as .
params.device_item_names[index].deviceName string + A device name to get items from
params.device_item_names[index].itemName string + An item name from the device pointed by , to use in an expression
valueType string A type of value returned by an expression. Required for expressions used by the Scenes Engine. If set, the Lua code should return only values, from which the variable of a given value type can be constructed. The valueType field can have any value the firmware exposes as an item value type.
metadata object Metadata bound to an expression. Can be JSON object type. If null, should not be stored.
variable boolean If , the expression is a variable. Variables should be separated in the UI from other expressions. If a is , the expression cannot get any data sources from outside (devices, items), and is supposed to save a constant never-changing value.
value any type Expression value
Broadcasts Description
hub.expression.added Broadcast when the expression was successfully added.
hub.expression.changed Broadcast when the expression was changed.
Code Message Data
-32600 Wrong params,
-32600 Field is too long: code
-32600 No item found
-32600 No device found
      "name": "TwoPlusTwo",
      "code": "return 2 + 2"
    "error": null,
    "id": "_ID_",
    "result": {

use item name by an item identifier (item with the id should exist).

      "name": "HalfOfSoundLevel",
      "code": "return params.sound_level / 2",
      "params": {
        "items": [
            { "name":  "sound_level", "_id": "sirenSoundLevelItemIdentifier"}

use device and item names to address the item (device with name and an item with name should exist).

      "name": "HowLoudQuad",
      "code": "return params.how_loud * 4",
      "params": {
        "device_item_names": [
            { "name":  "how_loud", "deviceName": "siren", "itemName":  "sound_level" }

use an expression with a scalable item.

If the item addressed by a scene’s “when block” has a scale (has scalable value), then an expression to use with or methods should return value in format to be compatible with an item.

      "name": "Temperature10F",
      "code": "return { value = 10, scale = \"fahrenheit\" }",
      "params": {}

The expression will return constant JSON object with fields value = 10 and scale = “fahrenheit”. In the case of incompatible values, a scene event that uses an expression will never raise.


use a typed expression with a scalable item.

        "name": "kitchenHallTempAverage",
        "params": {
            "items": [
                    "name": "kitchenTemperatureSetpoint",
                    "_id": "5fecdf73222aaa175f6d6be4"
                    "name": "hallTemperatureSetpoint",
                    "_id": "60c7696b933ffb710a8be319"
        "code": "return { value = (params.kitchenTemperatureSetpoint.value + params.hallTemperatureSetpoint) / 2, scale = params.hallTemperatureSetpoint.scale }",
        "valueType": "temperature",
        "metadata": {},
        "variable": false

use a typed expression as a variable.

        "name": "maxValueOfSomeParam",
        "params": {},
        "code": "return 2526",
        "valueType": "int",
        "metadata": { "info": "maximum value of parameter" },
        "variable": true

Typed variable expression.

        "name": "variableExpression",
        "params": {},
        "code": "",
        "value": 123,
        "valueType": "int",
        "metadata": { "info": "maximum value of parameter" },
        "variable": true