|  Developer
Updated on November 22, 2021


  • Provides a way for making any WebSocket call via HTTPS request.


Key Value Description
Authorization Basic + base64 hash of a user id and an access token A user id and access token in the basic scheme according to standard of Basic HTTP authorization. This header is more priority as user and token pair.
login Id of a user UUID of a user( the same as user in a hub.offline.login.ui request )
token Access token Access token from the cloud (the same as token in a hub.offline.login.ui request)


Data: Any WebSocket call as it requested via local WebSocket server.

HTTP Status Code Case Description
400 If a request doesn’t have data or it’s not valid JSON format
401 If user or token header missed or it has incorrect values
408 If a request runs more then 1 minute
429 If a controller has more then 100 “opened” requests now
500 Any WebSocket formatted error on request