Connection type:
- Provides a list of registered gateways on the hub.
Field | Type | Required | Description |
_id | string | + | an id of the gateway |
name | string | + | a name specified within a plugin’s config which provides this gateway |
label | string | + | a public name of the gateway |
status | string | + | gateway initialization status |
ready (Deprecated) | bool | + | whether gateway is ready for work |
pluginId | string | + | an id (name, not a db’s id) of a plugin this gateway is a part of |
settings | int | + | amount of gateway settings |
operations | object | – | a gateway external API |
info | object | – | additional information about gateway |
setItemValueCommand | string | + | DO WE NEED TO EXPOSE SUCH INFO TO THE UI??? |
addItemDictionaryValueCommand | string | + | |
setItemDictionaryValueCommand | string | + | |
removeItemDictionaryValueCommand | string | + | |
clearItemDictionaryCommand | string | + | |
setGatewaySettingValueCommand | string | + | a method used for changing a gateway setting |
setSettingValueCommand | string | + | |
setSettingDictionaryValueCommand | string | + | |
resetSettingCommand | string | + | |
forceRemoveDeviceCommand | string | + | |
updateDeviceFirmwareCommand | string | + | |
checkDeviceCommand | string | + | |
manualDeviceAdding | string | + | a method used for adding/removing new devices (wizard or no) |
Possible “status” field values |
not_started |
starting |
ready |
"method": "hub.gateways.list",
"id": "_ID_",
"params": {}
"api": "1.0",
"error": null,
"id": "_ID_",
"result": {
"gateways": [
"_id": "600e95b122315a22f12bc0f6",
"addItemDictionaryValueCommand": "HUB:test_plugin/scripts/add_item_dictionary_value",
"checkDeviceCommand": "",
"clearItemDictionaryCommand": "",
"forceRemoveDeviceCommand": "",
"label": "test gateway",
"manualDeviceAdding": "wizard",
"name": "test_plugin",
"pluginId": "test_plugin",
"ready": true,
"removeItemDictionaryValueCommand": "HUB:test_plugin/scripts/remove_item_dictionary_value",
"resetSettingCommand": "",
"setGatewaySettingValueCommand": "HUB:test_plugin/scripts/set_gateway_setting_value",
"setItemDictionaryValueCommand": "HUB:test_plugin/scripts/set_item_dictionary_value",
"setItemValueCommand": "HUB:test_plugin/scripts/set_item_value",
"setSettingDictionaryValueCommand": "",
"setSettingValueCommand": "HUB:test_plugin/scripts/set_setting_value",
"settings": 3,
"status": "ready",
"updateDeviceFirmwareCommand": ""