|  Developer
Updated on March 28, 2023


  • Send cloud.controller_abstracts_set request to Cloud. Controller should convert execution of this block to request and send it to Cloud. Scene is blocked until answer would be received. If answer was received and it has error field with null value then next then-block should be processed. If no answers in 1 minute or answer has error then scene should be failed and stopped. If controller doesn’t have connection with cloud then scene should be failed.
Field Type Required Description
blockOptions.method.args.abstractId string + Argument declaration of Abstract ID of command. The name is . The type is .
blockOptions.method.args.capability string + Argument declaration of Capability. The name is . The type is .
blockOptions.method.args.command string + Argument declaration of Command . The name is . The type is .
blockOptions.method.args.parameters string + Argument declaration of Parameters. The name is . The type is .
         "value": "asdasdn-2342342-23423"
         "value": "text_command"
         "value": "send"
         "value": {
             "text": "turn on the light"
Example of Cloud request:
  "id": "5c6ec961cc01eb07f86f9dd9",
  "method": "cloud.controller_abstracts_set",
  "api": "1.0",
  "params": {
    "uuid": "asdasdn-2342342-23423",
    "capability": "text_command",
    "command": "send",
    "parameters": {
        "text": "turn on the light"