Connection Type:
- Passes value update from the Abstract Subscription mechanism to the handling gateway. Could be used to update data, that aren’t representable with Item Value Types system of the firmware. The parsing of such data is done by the gateway via the gateway script dispatchAbstractSubscriptionCommand.
Field | Type | Required | Description |
gatewayName | string | + | Name of the gateway (plugin) to redirect this request |
_id | string | + | An item identifier from the gateway to receive updates |
value | any | + | Value of an abstract to be parsed by the gateway |
- NOTE: A command is redirected to a corresponding gateway script, that will parse the payload
"method": "",
"id": "_ID_",
"params": {
"gatewayName": "<gatewayNameValue>",
"_id": "<itemIdValue>",
"value": "<valueAny>"
"error": null,
"id": "_ID_",
"method": "",
"result": {}
Code | Message | Data | Description |
-32602 | Wrong params | rpc.params.invalid.FIELD | Wrong parameter: item ID is empty. |
-32602 | Wrong params | rpc.params.invalid.FIELD | Wrong parameter: item ID doesn’t belong to a gateway. |
-32602 | Wrong params | rpc.params.invalid.FIELD | Wrong parameter: value field is not found. |
-32602 | No gateway found! | ezlo.gateway.notfound | A gateway pointed by the gatewayName field is not found. |
-32602 | Gateway command is empty | ezlo.gateway.command.empty | A gateway has no dispatchAbstractSubscriptionCommand command. |
Available since