Field Type Required Description
_id string + an id of the gateway
name string + a name specified within a plugin’s config which provides this gateway
label string + a public name of the gateway
status string + gateway initialization status
ready (Deprecated) bool + whether gateway is ready for work
pluginId string + an id (name, not a db’s id) of a plugin this gateway is a part of
settings int + amount of gateway settings
operations object a gateway external API
info object additional information about gateway
setItemValueCommand string + DO WE NEED TO EXPOSE SUCH INFO TO THE UI???
addItemDictionaryValueCommand string +
setItemDictionaryValueCommand string +
removeItemDictionaryValueCommand string +
clearItemDictionaryCommand string +
setGatewaySettingValueCommand string + a method used for changing a gateway setting
setSettingValueCommand string +
setSettingDictionaryValueCommand string +
resetSettingCommand string +
forceRemoveDeviceCommand string +
updateDeviceFirmwareCommand string +
checkDeviceCommand string +
manualDeviceAdding string + a method used for adding/removing new devices (wizard or no)