Field Type Required Description
blockOptions.method.args.item string Value source for the left part of the comparison operator. References the item by its ID. The name of the source should have a corresponding block with a matching source name.
blockOptions.method.args.expression string Value source for the left part of the comparison operator. References an expression by its .
blockOptions.method.args.deviceGroup string Value source for the left part of the comparison operator. References a device group by its ID. The parameter is required.
blockOptions.method.args.itemGroup string Value source for the left part of the comparison operator. References an item group by its ID. The parameter is required.
blockOptions.method.args.value string + Argument declaration of item value. The value should be in block with name .
blockOptions.method.args.comparator string + Argument declaration of comparator state. The value should be in block with name . Possible comparators are , , , , , .

One of , , or a pair of / is required.

The block should have a value source declaration: , or /.

The / define a single data value source for a comparison method.