
discovery_started — gets sent when bluetooth devices discovery process started

fields type description
event string type of the event

discovery_stopped — gets sent when bluetooth devices discovery process stopped

fields type description
event string type of the event

device_discovered — gets sent if bluetooth device discovered

fields type description
event string type of the event
deviceAddress string bluetooth device mac address

device_removed — gets sent when bluetooth device removed

fields type description
event string type of the event
deviceAddress string bluetooth device mac address

device_connected — gets sent when bluetooth device connected

fields type description
event string type of the event
deviceAddress string bluetooth device mac address

device_disconnected — gets sent when bluetooth device disconnected

fields type description
event string type of the event
deviceAddress string bluetooth device mac address

device_paired — gets sent when bluetooth device paired

fields type description
event string type of the event
deviceAddress string bluetooth device mac address

device_unpaired — gets sent when bluetooth device unpaired

fields type description
event string type of the event
deviceAddress string bluetooth device mac address

characteristic_updated — gets sent when bluetooth device characteristic value updated

fields type description
event string type of the event
deviceAddress string bluetooth device mac address
uuid string GATT characteristic UUID
value array of bytes new characteristic value