user_code_updated – result of user code request (see request_user_code api)


    event = "user_code_updated",
    node_id = 2,
    channel_id = 0,
    supported_users_count = 250,
    user_polling_status = "polling",
    user_code_ranges = {
            user_code = "11111",
            user_status = "enabled",
            user_id = 1
            user_code = "",
            user_status = "available",
            user_id = 2,
            last_user_id = 250
eventstringtype of an event
node_idinta unique id of a ZWave device within a Zwave network
channel_idintccommand class id
supported_users_countintuser id’s count (from 1 to supported_users_count)
user_polling_statusstringactual user polling status
user_code_rangesarray of ranges (tables)array of user code ranges.

User Code Range

fields type required description
user_code string +
user_status string + actual user id status
user_id int + user id (from 1 to number of supported users)
last_user_id int last user id in range. If last_user_id is not nil actual user code slots in range [user_id; last_user_id] have the save status and code.
As usual the range can contain more 1 element only if status == “available”