Field Type Required Description
interfaces JsonArray + Network configuration for each network interface
interfaces._id string + Id of the network interface
interfaces.internetAvailable string Whether this interface is an internet provider (only one interface can be an internet provider)
interfaces.hwaddr string + Mac address assigned to interface (except ‘modem’ interfaces)
interfaces.imei string + IMEI (only for ‘modem’ interfaces)
interfaces.type string + Interface type (, , ) string + Network type (, )
interfaces.priority integer Priority to use the interface as an internet source (lower value, higher priority)
interfaces.status string + Interface status (up, down)
interfaces.error JsonObj Description of a failure happened for this interface, if any (Error object)
interfaces.enabled enum + For wan interfaces: , , . For lan interfaces: ,
interfaces.wifi JsonObj WiFi settings (used with interface type: wifi)
interfaces.wifi.mode string + WiFi mode (ap, sta) integer + WiFi channel for access point (0 – auto) JsonObj + Current WiFi network string WiFi SSID string WiFi BSSID string WiFi encryption (none, wep, psk, psk2) string WiFi encryption key (used with WiFi encryption: wep, psk, psk2)
interfaces.wifi.region string + WiFi region (ISO/IEC 3166 alpha2 country codes)
interfaces.modem JsonObj + 3G/4G Modem settings (used with interface type: ) modem
interfaces.signalQuality JsonObj + Quality of a cellular signal
interfaces.signalQuality.rssi int Received Signal Strength Indicator in dBm (re 1mW)
interfaces.signalQuality.rsrp int Reference Signal Received Power in dBm (re 1mW) LTE only connection
interfaces.signalQuality.rsrq int Reference Signal Received Quality in dB LTE only connection
interfaces.signalQuality.level int Level of a cellular signal in percentage (0-99)
interfaces.ipv4 JsonObj + IPv4 settings
interfaces.ipv4.mode string + IPv4 mode (ignore, static, dhcp, zeroconf (linklocal), ppp)
interfaces.ipv4.ip string IPv4 address
interfaces.ipv4.mask string IPv4 mask
interfaces.ipv4.gateway string IPv4 gateway (for ppp used as remote endpoint)
interfaces.ipv4.dns JsonArray IPv4 dns servers
interfaces.ipv4.dhcpId string IPv4 gateway (used with dhcp)
interfaces.ipv6 JsonObj +??? IPv6 settings
interfaces.ipv6.mode string + IPv6 mode (ignore, static, dhcp (stateful), zeroconf (stateless), ppp)
interfaces.ipv6.ip JsonArray IPv6 addresses with prefix
interfaces.ipv6.gateway string IPv6 gateway (for ppp used as remote endpoint)
interfaces.ipv6.dns JsonArray IPv6 dns servers
interfaces.ipv6.dhcpId string IPv6 gateway (used with dhcp)
interfaces.stats JsonObj + Stats () TBD.