Please use the UDP broadcast discovery method if possible!

Call the discovery script with .

You can filter which Ezviz camera model to add by passing in the model parameter.

Current valid values for model are:

  • VistaCam702
  • VistaCam1102

By default, the script remains in discovery mode for 30 seconds.

You can change how much the script remains in discovery mode by passing in the timeout parameter.

The value must be an integer number representing the number of seconds the script will remain in discovery mode.

To remove the script from discovery mode manually, call the discovery script with .


Add any camera model and set the timeout to 1 minute:

    "method": "",
    "id": "_AUTO_370954",
    "params": {
        "script": "HUB:ezviz/scripts/discovery",
        "scriptParams": {
            "action": "start_dhcp_discovery",
            "timeout": 60

Add a VistaCam 702:

    "method": "",
    "id": "_AUTO_370954",
    "params": {
        "script": "HUB:ezviz/scripts/discovery",
        "scriptParams": {
            "action": "start_dhcp_discovery",
            "model: "VistaCam702"